Tuesday, 24 June 2014

As Easy as A, B, Cocktail!

Now that you’ve shown your love and support for EllesIceBox, our gift to you is to teach you how to begin making cocktails. You should know that cocktails are not just for professional barmen or mixers, even you can make a perfect cocktail and add a little twist to the drinks you serve your guests right there in your home. Cocktails are very cost effective, fun and pretty impressive so let’s get you started!

The several drinks that exist might get you confused about how to start and what the final result would taste, but fear not because you have the opportunity to try out your own recipe before serving it to your guests and friends.

Get Adventurous
Do you have a favourite liquor or drink? Or when you order at bars is there any particular taste that kicks your taste buds? If there is, that’s a good place to start. You could ask the barman what the base of the drink is and with an extra smile you could ask for the recipe. If the barman is not willing to share, worry not because you have a miracle called the World Wide Web. Almost everything is searchable on the internet so all you need is the name of the drink. Once you have that, google away and find out the recipe then you could try to replicate it.

Once you have found out the recipe the next step is to try it at home. Follow the directions on how to make the cocktail and don’t be bothered about making a mess of it, hey, it’s just you and probably family or friends at home that would be your lab rabbits for the experiment. Do not deter if it doesn’t taste exactly how you want. Keep trying it with varying quantities of the different ingredients. When you get that perfect taste that hits the right senses, try it over and over again till you perfect it. Stick to one cocktail till you’re perfect at it before trying another. Better to be a master of one than none at all.

Ask Ask Ask
When you have perfected that cocktail, ask other cocktail enthusiasts to recommend other recipes to you. Again, you can get more directions on the internet with google or even YouTube videos. Remember to make sure it is a base you like or at least your friends like so that you end up with a mix you and your friends can enjoy.

Get more bottles
The more recipes you discover, the more drinks you probably would buy. Little by little, begin to build your drink cabinet with different bases like rum, vodka, cranberry juice, etc. Remember to only buy ingredients for cocktails you have perfected. With time, all your friends will be talking about your famous cocktails! That definitely beats serving just a boring bottle of drink. Go ahead, get adventurous and try it out.

If you feel it’s too much hassle learning by yourself, worry not as EllesIceBox would be opening a training school to empower people to make the perfect cocktail soon. As soon as that happens, you’ll hear it first from us!

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